Sunday, October 14, 2012

Three Months Already

Louis is 3 months old! He grows and changes every day. 
I can't get any pictures of him that aren't blurry
because he is always moving unless he's sleeping.
Here are some pics from the last week.

 Loves to sit &
stand up!

He was all ready
for bed but not
for sleep.


 Louis is always sticking his little tongue out,
he thinks its funny


We tried out the swing this week and
Louis loves it!

 He likes hanging on to the toys when we hand them to him.

Louis gets to chill
in the swing
while I attempt to
make dinn
Sunday afternoon with his dad and they are both all smiles




  1. Oh my goodness! He is so stink'n cute! Can't believe how much he has changed.!

  2. I love Lewis! He is so cute, wish we could have a play date. You are just too far away!! Miss you guys.

  3. Lets have a play date next summer!!! Love you all :)
