Saturday, June 29, 2013

Music in Madison

June 18th we got to add another Jensen to the "Wisconsin Jensen's" for a couple of hours when Grandpa Bill toured the mid-west with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir!! We were so excited to see him! They came to our beautiful capitol city, Madison!

I can't even put into words how wonderful it was to see him and to hear the choirs music. Tears still come to my eyes if I think about it for longer than 5 seconds. I didn't last 5 seconds during the opening song before they came pouring down my face. It was really like we were home. The Spirit was also so strong and I loved every song they sang! I have not attended a better performance by them (or anyone really). I loved every second. :)  

I thought some pictures would be more fun than reading so here is the evening we spent in Madison. 
Grandpa Bill met up with us in Madison right near the Overture Center where he performed and we had a tasty meal! Louis loved seeing his Grandpa Jensen (we all did)! Louis got to spend some time with Brad and Jamie Downs after dinner so that we could attend the concert kid free.

I have yet to get a pic of Brad and Jamie-good friends from Logan who live just a few minutes from us. :)
I am not going to apologize for the overload of pics, I couldn't decide which I liked best so they all made the cut ha ha! Sorry for the blurry ones, we need a faster camera to keep up with the little wiggly one.

Lou loves him some rice and beans!

We were in the very top of the Overture Center,
It was very warm but I'm pretty sure the sound was the best!

Can you find Grandpa?
Third row up and in the middle...

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